Author: Drew B
Just Be Nice
It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the terrible things happening in the world around us every day. If I spend too much time on social media or watching the news,...
New York City
Drew and I took a trip to New York City with Kate and Kevin! It was an awesome time. We went up to the Crown of the Statue of Liberty...
World Maker Faire
Autodrop3d had a booth at the World Maker Faire in New York! Despite a few hiccups (such as the rails of one of the prototype systems exploding as it tried...
Aloha Hawai’i… Aloha San Francisco… Aloha Home!
Did you know that in the Hawaiian language, “aloha” is a term used to say both “hello” and “goodbye”? I love that “aloha” can be used whether you’re greeting someone...
Surprises at Aulani
For our final day in Hawai’i, I made plans to go back to Disney’s Aulani to view one or two of their Fireside Mo’olelo session. I found this event during...